出生年份: 1959年
擅 长: 油画
毕业院校: 中央美术学院
创作年代 | 2007年作 | 尺寸 | 105*85cm |
材质 | 布面油画 Oil on canvas | 装裱 | |
题材 | 所属系列 | 飞者非鸟 潜者非鱼 | |
作品描述 | 关于迷失 迷失是一种感觉。你越走近它,它会离你越远。离远了看,又希望走近,内心由着稍纵即逝的新奇摆布。迷失是在这样的视觉心理中停留,并感受“另一种迷失”后所呈现的状态。 幻想和自由的空间中充满了不确定性,我在可行与不可行之间寻找平衡。“迷失”是周围世界与内心情趣的错位。一路走来,回头看,迷失的脚印还是清晰的。对于我而言,迷失是没有选择的最好出发点。^_^About "Bemusement" "Bemusement" is a feeling. The closer you're trying to get to it, the further it's going away from you. But due to the strong curiosity, you are not satisfied of watching it from a distance. You want to go closer. "Bemusement" describes exactly such a state. The realm of fantasy and freedom are brimming with uncertainties. I endeavor to balance between the feasible and the unfeasible. "Bemusement" reflects a sort of dislocation between the inner world and the outside world around you. Looking back on the way we've come, we see the footprints of bemusement are clear and distinct. For me, bemusement is definitely the best starting point. |
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