出生年份: 1959年
擅 长: 油画
毕业院校: 中央美术学院
创作年代 | 2011年作 | 尺寸 | 210*160cm |
材质 | 布面油画 Oil on canvas | 装裱 | |
题材 | 所属系列 | 飞者非鸟 潜者非鱼 | |
作品描述 | 误入云端 我用柔润的线条书写着《误入云端》,并将形态各异的裸者摆在画的不同空间。在我看来,那些虚与实,线与色,人与云的元素是能够在主客体之间建立交互作用的,它使我在“云端”确立或找到自己的位置——在蠕动的云朵下缠绵着梦,在天地两极间渴望。 云的属性是自由的,它包容、变化、无规则、非标准,它所对应的是标准、纪律、规则、权利。这是我想引出的对应。权利和自由是表现的两个边界,过度的权利是暴力,过度的自由是放纵,自由与权利用绘画的样式嵌入,就是色彩、线条与表现。 几年来,我更多的是关注《误入云端》给我带来的表现和解放。缠绵的云朵取代了唯美的景物,在不断寻求与探索的过程中,我脑海里总是浮现这些云,这些云中的裸者。从极端意义上讲,这些有意、无意,理性、非理性,意识、潜意识的浮动形象,常常让我自己也感到莫名其妙。 通过《误入云端》,我总在关注美术观念,寻找“艺术新审像”的可能性,并且实现我的创造和体验。^_^Way above the Clouds Depicted in the form of delicately soft lines, Way above the Clouds features a variety of naked figures scattered around the canvas. In my view, a sort of interaction could be built between nothingness and everythingness, lines and colors, human figures and clouds, which enables me to locate my position "above the clouds", to dream beneath the floating clouds and to aspire in between the sky and the earth. The nature of clouds is freedom. It is embracive, changeable and follows no rules or patterns. It’s the opposite of standard, discipline, rule and power. That's exactly the comparison I’d like to highlight. Power and freedom are the two opposite boundaries of expression. If one crosses the line of power, it leads to violence; and if you cross the line of freedom, indulgence comes. The insertion of freedom and power in painting is embodied in colors, lines and expression. For the past few years, I paid more attention to the expression power and sense of liberation newly brought to me by Way above the Clouds. Flossy clouds took the place of gorgeous scenery. During the process of conception, the images of clouds and the naked human figures dwelling in them appeared in my mind over and over. From time to time, I would be bemused by these floating images, wondering whether they were intentional or unintentional, rational or irrational, conscious or subconscious. With a focus on aesthetic concept, Way above the Clouds leads me to search for new possibilities of visual art and the fulfillment of creation and experience. |
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