出生年份: 1959年
擅 长: 油画
毕业院校: 中央美术学院
创作年代 | 2011年作 | 尺寸 | 200*150cm |
材质 | 布面油画 Oil on canvas | 装裱 | |
题材 | 所属系列 | 飞者非鸟 潜者非鱼 | |
作品描述 | 云朵·忧思 地球上有一些幽灵般的人,利益的欲望无法填满他们膨胀的内心。无论明争暗斗、欺骗、战争、经济危机都与此有关。 在科学昌明的今天,人类以科学获得了发展,科学也为人类带来了诸多的好处,同时昌明的科学又被争斗所利用。我常常在想,科学有无限的可能,难道人的贪念也是无限的吗? 在我简单的认识里,存在是有限的,它不能永恒,它有寿命。幸福同样也是有限的,它不能永恒,它有生命。所以人啊最好别贪!贪则欲望无穷。《云朵·忧思》探讨的就是这样的命题,如果人类能够勒住贪欲,停止战争和伤害,世界将变得安宁绚丽。我们的祖先早有警示:由满则负,物极必反。^_^Clouds - Blues There're people on the earth who are just like ghosts. Their desire for profit can never be satisfied. Infighting, deception, wars and economic crisis are all rooted in it. Thanks to the rapid development of science, on the one hand, human beings greatly benefit from it; on the other hand, they also make use of it to give themselves an edge in various kinds of fighting. I cannot help wondering: Is the greed of human beings as infinite as the possibility of science? In my humble understanding, existence cannot be immortal. It has limitation and a certain life span. Likewise, happiness cannot be immortal either. It also has limitation and a certain life span. So never be greedy. It will only lead you to endless desires. If human beings manage to get their greed under control, and to put a stop to wars and devastation, the world would become a serener and better place. This is what Clouds – Blues tries to probe into. Our ancestors already warned us about that: Things will go into the opposite directions if they are going to an extreme. |
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