出生年份: 1959年
擅 长: 油画
毕业院校: 中央美术学院
创作年代 | 2010年作 | 尺寸 | 200*150cm |
材质 | 布面油画 Oil on canvas | 装裱 | |
题材 | 所属系列 | 飞者非鸟 潜者非鱼 | |
作品描述 | 天池浴者 《天池浴者》是一个主观、混沌的图像空间,也是我对真实、模糊、虚构所做的心理体验,它是多义的。沐浴者像是礼拜,似天浴,自然的空间,风景的边缘,人在沐浴中反思,接受自然的教化和洗礼。作为特殊的行为寄托——沐浴净心修行,乃是人的自我救赎法,这是用心灵朝拜神灵,用真诚审美山水,与自然和谐自律的过程。人应该经常接受这样的洗礼,接受自然与文化的双重洗礼,接受信念正义的洗礼,进而享受和平与安宁。^_^Bathers in the Heavenly Lagoon Bathers in the Heavenly Lagoon represents a subjective and somewhat chaotic visual space. It's also a reflection of my psychological experience of truth, ambiguity and fiction. It contains multiple layers of meaning. Set in a place seeming to be at the edge of nature, bathers meditate and are baptized in the heavenly lagoon. As a way to rest our mind, bathing and meditation are a kind of self-redemption. It is a way to worship gods and to appreciate the landscape with sincerity. It's a process for nature, harmony and self-discipline to be reconciled. Men should be baptized more often in this way, to be baptized by nature and culture, belief and justice, and then they will be able to enjoy genuine peace and tranquility. |
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