Beautiful Scenery in the North
Big entities such as a nation represent the grand history. Small entities such as a painter represent a personal history. My history is about all that related to the nature and the lands I live in. I am a painter and I believe in spirit. I believe that animals, plants, mountains, rocks, clouds and fogs all have their own spirit.
To me, Jingbo Lake represents a world of materiality in my mind. It's quiet and mysterious. The imagery of the lake becomes some kind of elf lingering in my mind. The dark rocks, white snowflakes and azure water compromise a fresh version of landscape.
I was born and grew up in this area. I feel that I am emotionally attached to Jingbo Lake. My mind and my imagination integrate with the lake and find the sight of lake soothing and comforting.
Sometimes there'll be no trace of any human for quite a long time in this region. Local residents tend to turn a blind eye to the lake in winter season. But I'm always amazed by the lake view. Each season the lake would take on a different look, and I find each of them attractive. As a matter of fact, I find the lake view in winter extremely attractive, for it reminds me of the peace before a storm where new vitality is brewing.
The sunglow over the pavilion also fascinates me. Gold, mixed with a little bit red, further enhances the sense of mystery and tranquility of the dark rocks, white snowflakes and azure lake water.
"When nature becomes art, it's breathtakingly beautiful. And when art becomes nature, such beauty is sublimated." In the past few years, I've consistently tried to represent the lake view in my mind on canvas. That's the beginning of Territory – Jingbo Lake, Snow – Wanda Mountain and Uncover…
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