The Red Mountain
On the way back to Kashgar, we passed through Gaizi Canyon, the Pamirs and the Silk Road. The Red Mountain, an embodiment of the highest level of carving skills of the nature, warmly welcomed me, a painter from afar.
The Red Mountain had a soul. It represented an ideal heavenly scene where artists could search for grand beauty and nature. I found the forms and colors embodied by the mountain were exactly what I aspired to achieve within my art expression. It was a mountain of legend. Everything seemed to have something to do with it, geography, cultures, mythology, folk custom, witchcraft and religions. Looking at the Red Mountain, I felt that what I saw was not "real" anymore. It was like a piece of magnificent sculpture work by the nature. The sun, the moon, wind, rain and evolution of the earth all became part of this great and holy piece of work, in the face of which human beings seemed almost negligible. Human beings were never able to see through the secrets of nature. Nor could they make natural evolution conform to their needs by means of conquering. So live and let live. Let everyone of us work together to treasure and protect this holy Red Mountain.
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